




5F-AKB48 (I will not just call this “The Powder” lol) by making a solution in 70% isoproyl alcohol. I had 500mg of the powder and I used 50mL of 70% isoproyl alcohol to make a 10mg/ml solution of the drug. (You can also do this with oil to make a suspension but you need an orally active powder and I’m not sure if 5F-AKB48 is orally active… I just wanted to smoke it anyways lol.) So I took, a little less than half a milliliter into my oral syringe (.45mL to be exact, which is 4.5mg of the actice chemical) and I dropped it all onto my unwrapped damiana joint, licked it, sticked it and let the alcohol evaporate infront of the fan. Since it was 70% alcohol, once the alcohol evaporated, my joint still looked a little wet… That’s should only be water (read the ingredients or use moonshine, or 100% acetone). Now here comes the trip report!

Dosage: 4.5mg of pure 5F-AKB48

Weight: 173 pounds
Drug experience: Read top of report.
Tolerance: None as I haven’t smoked any spice in a very long time
Setting: I was sitting on my roof, just relaxing and getting ready for the high, as I know some spice highs are pretty intense, so I just wanted to brace myself for whatever could happen lol.
Time: The time was about 9:30 at night.

0.00: After relaxing and getting ready for this experience, being careful not to sike myself out, I lit up my joint and took a hit. The smoke was smooth, didn’t irritate my lungs and I just enjoyed it. I was thinking, it’d be nice to add a flavor in next time lol. No immediate feelings after the first couple hits.

3.00: A few minutes later, roughly 2-4 minutes, I finished off my joint and just chilled on my roof. No feelings yet and I was beginning to think, if this didn’t hurt my lungs and didn’t taste bad… It might be some bunk mess… Unbeknownst to me, the high was probably just kicking in.

6.00: The high starts to hit me pretty heavily, more like a gradual heavy though. Whooooaaaa. I’m relaxing on my roof and I start to think, oh crap, what if this is more powerful than I thought… As most spice blends usually felt, I lost a lot of my coordination and balance. Not like being drunk, but I can’t really explain it. But for fear of falling off of my roof, I decided to go back inside.

10.00: I just kept getting higher and higher and I was really starting to freak myself out. Sometimes my mind would drift off thinking about something, then I’d come back and be like, oh man… I’m high as a kite.. Then I’d start to sike myself out again and it just kept repeating like that for the next few minutes. Another thing is, my time distortion was waaaayyyyy off. A minute would feel like ten minutes in my mind. It wasn’t bad though, it was quite nice.

13.00-16.00: My high hit it’s peak and I was at the point, totally relaxed and not worried about anything. I had finally hit my comfort zone where I don’t have to worry about anything. It felt like high paradise. From here on out, I kinda just coasted along the high, listening to music, daydreaming, getting lost in my mind and i was totally satisfied with everything.

Notes: Major time distortion, by now, roughly 16 minutes in, it felt like ATLEAST a good hour or so. No munchies recorded. No sore throat or anything like that. Pretty bad loss of coordination, slight drunk feeling but not a ‘wasted’ type loss of balance and such. It was tolerable. Slight nausea up to the 10 minute point, then I started to calm down and it went away. It was probably due to a sort of worry.

30.00: My high was slowly tapering down, but I was still definitely messed up. I was really enjoying it too.

75.00: My high has come down enough to where I could act completely normally. So I went to go brush my teeth and go to the bathroom before I went to sleep.

85.00: I fell asleep. It wasn’t hard to fall asleep, I wouldn’t recommend it for a sleep aid though. Moreso for a good two hourish high.

The Next Morning: Slight, slight lingering high. It went away after getting ready, taking a shower and going to work. Nothing to worry about at all. No negative side effects.
Recap: The only real disadvantage is that it can be easy to sike yourself out a little bit, ESPECIALLY if you’re new to the whole spice thing. But from here on out, I cant see any real ‘negative side effects’ coming up though. I kinda wish it would give me the munchies though… Everybody enjoys a good case of the munchies.

Additional information


10 Grams, 25 Grams, 50 Grams, 100 Grams, 250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1000 Grams